Over the years....

"Before the Last Hour there would be great liars - so beware of them....and 9/11 is one of the many fabricated events to justify all the unjust"

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Still searching....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Gog & Magog's Army

My Lai, Vietnam 1968

Haditha, Iraq 2006

Bush + Cheney = LIARS

The American Soldiers were a reflection of the Gog & Magog's soldiers as prophecised. From My Lai, Vietnam in 1968 until the most recent at Haditha, Iraq 2006 and not forgetting Afghanistan & the African continents they kept on committing atrocites everywhere.

It is a known fact that the basic fundamentals of life is "GOOD will always prevails EVIL". The time will come when all the wrong doings will be judged and corrected. I believe the time is very near......

...and when Zionist rules ruthlessly as witnessed now, the time is even nearer. Their arrogance, all the killings are very wrong & I cannot understand why many could not see this as wrong.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Someone need me to propose a treatment system for H2S contamination!

Hydrogen Sulphide Emissions and Safety

Hydrogen sulphide (HS) is produced when manure undergoes anaerobic (absence of oxygen) fermentation. Hydrogen sulphide is produced continuously in all un-aerated manure storage systems, including shallow barn gutters, underground storage tanks
or outside manure storages.

Hydrogen sulphide is considered both an odour nuisance and a health hazard. Hydrogen sulphide is a deadly gas if people are exposed to a high concentration. It is also a
corrosive gas, which can cause corrosion and deterioration of concrete structures of livestock buildings and equipment.

The concentration of hydrogen sulphide is usually very low in livestock buildings compared with other gases like ammonia, but when manure stored inside livestock
buildings is agitated, large amounts of H2S can be released in a short time.


Hydrogen sulphide is heavier than air, soluble in water,
and can accumulate in underground pits and unventilated
areas of livestock buildings. It has a rotten-egg odour and
can be easily detected at low concentrations (well below
one part per million in air).

Table 1. Hydrogen sulphide and health hazards

Concentration (ppm) Health Response

0.01 - 0.7 least detectable odour
3 - 5 offensive odour
10 eye irritation
20 irritation to mucous membranes and lungs
50 - 100 irritation of respiratory tract
150 nose nerve paralysis
200 headache, dizziness
500 - 600 nausea, excitement,
700 - 2,000 fatal

Friday, June 16, 2006

Hard luck!!

I required 5 stitches on my index finger last night! A very deep cut & bleeding profusely. Silly me for losing focus that has led to a very painful sleepless night. But on lighter note I am able to see live soccer matches!

Sometimes when our mind is not on place & we will loose focus. I paid dearly for that & hope that it heels fast. I need to report to my physician again in 10 days time for that stitches....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

“We don’t do body counts”General Tommy Franks, US Central Command

Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq
Min : 38355
Max : 42747

Tell Bush and Congress:No War against Iran!

This momentous Sign in the East that has occurred appears, therefore, to be a sign to mankind warning that monstrously dangerous change in the world is about to occur. But it also appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes heralding the return of the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah Most High. If we are correct, and Allah Knows best, then the world has to await only two more major earthquakes before the son of Mary returns to rule the world with justice.

Awesome Struck

Just can't imagine how fast things have changed. I am caught by my past & still remember clearly how is it like those days to live a very simple life. Here I am now with 2 grown up kids & realized that they are in their own different world.

I still regards them as my small child but hell broke loose last week when I discovered their true colors. It really struck me in total disbelief. To the extend of bluffing their parents & going out to meet their sweethearts without even getting permission!

What has become of me? Am I that bad a parent? Both my kids are brilliant with straight A's & I can't understand where my mistake lies. Or am I just being an overzealous person?